- Starbucks is now surving the epic Pumpkin Spice Latte
- There was an evening where it was about 60 degrees out - bonfire weather peeps
- I'm bored with sandals and flip flops. Bring on the boots!
- It is apple picking season at Eckert's Farm
- The Apple Pie Concrete is at Bobby's
- Football started, which always makes me want to make soup or chili (Reigning Chili Champ at Weber St. Louis by the way)
- Target has Halloween candy out, which taunts me while I look at new sheets, Tide, toothpaste, and TP
While I revel at the idea of Fall and chilly evenings, I thought I'd take a step back and look at Summer 2011.
A great trip to Dallas to visit Mom and Dad where we got to bake in the 110+ degree heat and visit with friends. I made Oreo Balls for a BBQ (note to self, buy Mom a food processor) and we enjoyed more Shiner brews than should be legally allowed.
Family re-union in Chicago was great and was one of the hottest/most humid days in the history of the world. I didn't bake anything but there is a lot to be said for Fried Chicken, Taco Dip and other picnic food goodness.
Ryan and I took a week away from the world and enjoyed the Gulf of Mexico in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Beautiful beach, no tar balls and I ended up drinking my desserts instead of baking them.
Mom, Sis and I ventured to Ft. Myers, Florida to enjoy food, sun, trashy books, shopping and MORE shopping.
But all of these things are no match for what happened tonight. Angel Food Cake with homemade whipped cream. I am not kidding.
Tonight I made my first Angel Food Cake - I got the idea when I bought strawberries and realized strawberries are quickly going out of season. So to send the blog off instyle and to bid 'adu' to Summer I thought this would be a good recipe to try.
Angel Food Cake
- 8 - 9 eggs (Oh, you read right people. The recipe called for 12 egg whites or 1 1/2 cups worth of egg whites - for me it was 9 egg whites)
- 1 1/4 cup powdered sugar
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar (I still have no idea what the purpose of this 'spice' is but I tried some of it and it is gross)
- 1 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 1/2 tsp almond extract
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 cup sugar
Measure egg whites to equal 1 1/2 cups (sorry it is kind of blurry - I swear I wasn't drunk).
Now, let them sit out for 30ish minutes to get to room temperature. I thought this was weird but I went with it - surly this makes it more delicious and non-bacteria filled. Whatever.
While the eggs are sitting out (ew) sift the powdered sugar and the flour into a small bowl.
Once the eggs are hot - no, not hot - room temperature, you can preheat the oven to 350.
Start beating the egg whites at a high speed and add cream of tartar, vanilla, almond extract and salt. Once these are mixed well, gradually start adding in the sugar. Now the directions I have say to keep beating until the sugar is dissolved and 'stiff peaks form.' Seriously? What the H does that mean? I go by time people. Should this take 2 minutes? 18 minutes? Put a timeline to it - so, I made a video of once it was finally to that point. It took about 8-10 minutes of beating.
To put it in even more perspective, it tasted like and felt like non-sticky marshmallow fluff. Yum. If it weren't full of warm, raw eggs I would have enjoyed way more of this batter by itself.

Bake for 35 - 40 minutes. The batter will raise up really high and you will probably panic like I did that it will spill over the sides. But it won't. Don't worry. Maybe worry a little bit.
I always make fun of the cake tester sticks at the kitchen shops but this is one time the 'stick a tooth pick in it' method was not going to be helpful. A bunt pan is about eight inches deep - tooth pick, two inches. Oye.

Also, when cutting the cake use a serrated knife, like a bread knife. Otherwise it will squish. Yup, squish.
I am about to blow your mind with the best recipe evvvvver. You will never buy Cool Whip again. Never. I have seen the light...and the light is homemade whipped cream.
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1 Tbs powdered sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
Beat cream on high until it thickens up and add powdered sugar and vanilla then beat it some more until it is thick. That's it. Seriously. That's it.
Whip it up until it is like whipped cream. You can make it sweeter by adding more powdered sugar but be sure not to beat it to long or you'll end up with something to thick - like butter. Ew. This took a total of about 10 minutes. I also read that it is best to chill the bowl and the beater. Not sure why but if the Internet says it, it must be true.
And because I'm a glutton for punishment I looked up how to make strawberry garnishes. Turns out there is only one out there and it is really simple. Thank goodness. After I plated these two pieces of cake for myself (NO JUDGING!) I realized I should have done this on cuter plates instead of my classy paper plates. But eh. It is the cake we should focus on.
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With grated dark chocolate |
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Simply Summer |
I do not expect this cake to last long in my house.
Cheers to Fall friends, I hope you enjoyed the Summer as much as I did and here's to many pumpkin-apple-nutmeg-chocolate-cinnamon treats.
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